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Sermons 2023

01-01-23 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Ingratitude (Luke 17: 11-19)



01-01-23 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Dignity (2 Peter 1: 5-7)



01-08-23 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The Power and Danger of the Tongue (James 3: 1-13)



01-08-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What is a Miracle?  (Acts 3: 1-12)



01-15-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Jesus is the Way. (John 6: 44-45)



01-15-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What was the Purpose of Bible Miracles? (Jeb. 2: 1-4)



01-22-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Importance of Worship (Heb. 10: 19-31)



01-22-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What Was the Duration of Miracles? (John 20: 30-31)



01-29-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Paul's Sermon on Mar's Hill - The Three Greatest Truths (Acts 17: 22-31)



01-29-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What is the meaning of Biblical Inspiration? (2 Tim. 3: 16-17)



02-05-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - When I see the Blood (Ex. 12: 12-13)



02-05-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - what Is Scientific Foreknowledge in the Bible? (Gen 3:15)



02-12-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Temptation (James 1: 2-4)



02-12-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Some Questions on Baptism  (Acts 2: 38-39)



02-19-23 A.M.  David Ramage - God's Plan of Salvation (Matt. 28: 19-20)



02-19-23 P.M.  Matt Norris - When a Sinner Sees the Light (Acts 9: 1-22)



02-26-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Four Things God Has Given Us in Life to Aid Us (Eph. 6: 10-18)



02-26-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Why Do We Not Practice Infant Baptism (Mark 16: 15-16)



03-05-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Preciousness of Suffering and Trials (1 Peter 1: 6-7)



03-05-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Was Jesus Really the Angel of the Lord? (2 Kings 19: 35-37)



03-12-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Blood Atonement (1 Pet. 1: 15-20)



03-12-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What Is Fellowship? (Psa. 133: 1-3)



03-19-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Some Things God Has Done to Encourage Us (Eph. 2: 1-7)



03-19-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Why Did God Kill Uzzah?  (2 Sam. 6: 1-8)



03-26-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Life of the Christian in coping With Suffering (1 Pet. 4: 11-19)



03-26-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What does "After the Due Order" Mean? N.T. Chronology (1 Chron. 15: 12-13)



04-02-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Joy in Christ (Phil. 1: 3-11)



04-02-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - How does the Holy Spirit work in Conviction, Conversion, and Sanctification? (John 14: 23-26)



04-09-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Laying Hold on the Resurrection (Phil. 3: 7-14)



04-09-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - The Work of the Holy Spirit (John 16: 7-14)



04-16-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Jesus Teaches on Healing and Humility (Luke 14: 1-11)



04-16-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - The All-Sufficiency of the Word of God (Psalm 19: 7-10)



04-23-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Zacchaeus (Luke 19: 1-11)



04-23-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Jesus, the Son of David (2 Sam. 7: 12-17)



04-30-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Trials of Life (Job 14: 1-2)



04-30-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Salvation by Grace (Eph. 2: 8-10)



05-07-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - A Song of Thanksgiving for God's Help (@ Sam. 22: 21-37) 



05-07-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Being Faithful Unto Death (Rev. 2: 10-13)



05-14-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Honoring Our Mothers (Eph. 6: 1-3)



05-14-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Was the Name Christian Given as Term of Derision? (Acts 11:26)



05-21-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Bearing the Image of Christ. (Isa. 53: 1-3)



05-21-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What Does the Bible Teach About the Antichrist? (1 John 2: 18-23)



05-28-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Deity of Christ (John 20: 30-31)



05-28-23. P.M.  Daniel Denham - What Does the Bible Say About the Antichrist? part 2 (Rev. 17: 8-14)



06-04-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Faithful Sayings (1 Timothy 1: 15-17)



06-04-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - David's Three-fold Prophesy of Christ (Psalm. 110: 1-7)



06-11-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Jesus Christ, the Heart of the Bible (1 John 5: 12-13)



06-11-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What Is the Eternal Home in John 14: 1-4? 



06-18-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Roles of Fathers (Proverbs 3: 1-8)



06-18-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - The Use of the Words King and Kingdom (Psalm. 44: 1-8)



06-25-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The church as the Bride of Christ (Roman 7: 1-4)



06-25-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - The Godhead (John 16: 7-16)



07-02-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Mind of Christ (Phil. 2: 5-13)



07-02-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What About Unconditional Election? (1 Peter 1: 1-2)



07-09-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Building Up the Church (Psa. 11: 1-5)



07-09-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What About Limited Atonement and Irresistible Grace? (1 John 2: 1-4)



07-16-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Importance of Love in Building Up the Church (John 13: 34-35)



07-16-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What About the doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints? (Heb. 12: 14-17)



07-23-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Building Up the Church in Love (Eph. 4: 11-17)



07-23-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Principles in Bible Authority - Nadab and Abihu (Lev. 10: 1-7)



07-30-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Prayer in Building Up the Church (Psalm 143: 1-12)



07-30-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - The One Cup Issue (Matthew 26: 26-28)



08-06-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Faith in God and the bible in Church Growth (Psalm 19: 1-14)



08-06-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What About Dinosaurs? (Psalm 148: 1-14)



08-13-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Church Growth Through Benevolence (Proverbs 3: 27-29)



08-13-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Standing Fast in the Lord (Phil. 3: 20-21)



08-20-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Great Physician and the Church (Psalm 147: 1-6)



08-20-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - The Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25: 8-11)



08-27-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Stand Up for the Lord (Psalm 145: 1-13)



08-27-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Questions on the Most Difficult Command and Other Subjects (Luke 13: 1-5)



09-03-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Kingdom and the Church (Colossians 1: 5-15)



09-03-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Salvation by Faith Only (John 12: 42-43)



09-10-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Place of True Service is Church Growth (Matt. 20: 20-28)



09-10-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What About the Judgment? (Acts 17: 28-31)



09-17-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Individual Spiritual Growth (Psa. 1: 1-6)



09-17-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Chronology of the Old Testament Books (2 Tim. 3: 15-17)



09-24-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Growing in Love (Romans 13: 7-10)



09-24-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Chronology of the Old Testament (Rev. 22: 18-19)



10-01-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Growing in Grace and Knowledge (2 Pet. 3: 14-18)



10-01-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Harmony of the Old Testament Books (Psa. 106: 1-6)



10-08-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - They Wouldn't Bend, They Wouldn't Bow, the Wouldn't Burn (Dan. 3: 24-27)



10-08-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Judging Angels (1 Cor. 6: 1-7)



10-15-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Christian Growth and the Christian Graces (2 Peter 1: 5-11)



10-15-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - The Case for the Existence of God, Part 1 (Psalm 19: 1-3)



10-22-23 A.M.  JJ Redmon - The Christian's Challenge with Worldliness (James chapter 4)



10-22-23 P.M.  Eddie Wilkinson - Leadership (John 13: 12-15)



10-29-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Great Day of Pentecost (Acts 2: 1-4)



10-29-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Attacks Against the Existence of God (1 Peter 3:14-16)



11-05-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Be Like the Bereans (Acts 17: 11-12)



11-05-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Apologetics (Eph. 4: 4-6)



11-12-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Church at Troas (Acts 20: 6-12)



11-12-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Does the New Birth Require Both Water and Holy Spirit Baptism? (John 3: 1-8)



11-19-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Hope as an Anchor (Hebrew 6: 13-20)



11-19-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - The Church as the Perfect God-given Institution (James 1:17)



11-26-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - What God Has Done for You (1 Peter 1: 3-5)



11-26-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Standing on Holy Ground (Exodus 3: 1-10)



12-03-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Old Is Not Always Better (Galatians 3: 1-6)



12-03-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - The Matter of Accounting Time (Titus 2: 12-15)



12-10-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Love in the Epistles of the Apostle Peter (1 Peter 1: 22-25)



12-10-23 P.M  Daniel Denham - Questions on "The Sermon on the Mount" (Matthew 7: 21-29)



12-17-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - The Wise Men (Matt 2: 1-12)



12-17-23 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Grace, Faith, and Works (James 2: 24-26)



12-24-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Lessons from Gethsemane (Matthew 26: 36-46)



12-31-23 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Planning for the Future (James 4: 13-17)


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