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01-07-24 A.M.  - Daniel Denham - Going the Second Mile (Matthew 5: 38-42



01-07-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - What is a Dispensation? (Ephesians 1: 10-13)



01-14-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Loving Our Enemies (Matthew 5: 43-48)



01-14-24 P.M.- Daniel Denham - The Merging Church Movement (John 8: 31-32)



01-21-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The Practice of True Benevolence (Matthew 6: 1-8)



01-21-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - The Master Teacher and the Rich, Young Ruler (Mark 10: 17-22)



01-28-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The Model Prayer (Matthew 6: 9-15)



01-28-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Two Questions on Prayer (John 16: 26-28)



02-04-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Where Do You Bank?  Matt. 6: 19-23)



02-04-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - What About Rahab the Harlot? (James 2: 25-26)



02-11-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Putting God First (Matthew 6: 24-34)



02-11-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - How Long Was the Miraculous Age in the First Century? (Micah 7: 14-15)



02-18-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The Grace of God (Titus 1: 11-15)



02-18-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Paul's Description of His Relationship with the Lord (1 Corinthians 11: 1-3)



02-25-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Encouraging Ourselves in the Lord (1 Samuel 30: 1-6)



02-25-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Questions on Events in Numbers 14-15(Numbers 14: 32-36)



03-03-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The Lord's Lesson on Humility (John 13: 1-17)



03-03-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Why Jesus' Death was Necessary? (Hebrew 2: 9-11)



03-10-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Some Promises of the Lord (John 14; 12-21)



03-10-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Why Study the Old Testament? (Romans 15:4)



03-17-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Jesus' Teaching on Friendship. (John 15: 10-20)



03-17-24 P.M.  Daniel Denham - Was Jesus Just a little god? (John 1: 1-3)



03-24-24 A.M.  Daniel Denham - Jesus Teaches About Suffering and the Holy Spirit (John 16:1-15)



03-24-24 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What Do the Qualities Listed in Philippians 4:8 mean? (Phil. 4:8)



03-31-24 A.M.  Daniel Denham - He Is Risen (Luke 24: 1-8)



03-31-24 P.M.  Daniel Denham - What Is Foreknowledge? (Acts 2: 22-23)



04-07-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Jesus Prays for His Disciples (John 17: 1-12)



04-07-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Is the Bible Wrong in Teaching that Israel was to Destroy the Canaanites?

(Genesis 15: 18-21)


04-14-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Jesus Continues Praying for his Disciples (John 17: 14-26)



04-14-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Is Personal, Saving Faith a Gift Given by God Directly? (Hebrews 11: 6)



04-21-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The Problem of Thomas' Faith (John 20: 24-31)



04-21-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Does the Holy Spirit Operate Directly on the Human Heart to Convert People

(Ephesians 6: 10-18)



04-28-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Faithfulness (Lamentations 3: 22-25) 



04-28-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Was the Holy Spirit Derived from the Father? (John 15:26)



05-05-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Pithy Exhortations from the Apostle Peter (1 Peter 3: 8-12)



05-05-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - On Women Leading Prayer and Preaching (1 Timothy 2: 8-12)



05-12-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The Importance of Godly Women (2 Timothy 1: 3-5)



05-12-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - The Gospel Versus Doctrine Doctrine (Romans 1: 13-17)



05-19-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Bible Truth is Narrow (Ephesians 4: 1-6)



05-19-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - The Place of Logic in Bible Study (Romans 12: 1-2)



05-26-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The God Who Is Able to Save (Matthew 9: 27-31)



05-26-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Whom Did Cain and Seth Marry? (Genesis 3:16)



06-02-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The Privilege of Worship (John 4: 17-26)



06-02-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Bible Authority (Galatians 1: 6-9)



06-09-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The Blessings of Worship (Philippians 3:1-3)



06-09-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Examples and Accounts of Action in the Scriptures (Matthew 26: 47-49)



06-16-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The Kind of Fathers We Need (Ezekiel 22: 30-31)



06-16-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - What Does the Bible Teach on the Priesthood Today? (1 Peter 2: 1-5)



06-23-24 A.M. - Jim Perry - Patience (Philippians 4: 4-8)



06-23-24 P.M. - David Ramage - False Philosophy on Marriage (Ephesians 5:20)



06-30-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Peace and Productivity in the Church (Philippians 2:12-16)



06-30-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - What Passages Apply to Us from the Old Testament? (Ezekiel 33: 1-9)



07-07-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - As A Hen Gathers Her Chicks (Luke 13: 31-35)



07-07-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Who Are the Peacemakers in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5: 7-9)



07-14-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The Kingdom of God is in You.  (Luke 17: 20-21)



07-14-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Foolishness of Preaching (1 Corinthians 2: 21-31)



07-21-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The Power of God (Ephesians 1: 20-23)



07-21-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - The Day - Age Theory (Exodus 20: 8-11)



07-28-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Baptized into Christ (Romans 6:1-6)



07-28-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Questions on the Lord's Supper (Acts 6: 7-11)



08-04-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The Blessings of Being in Christ. (Ephesians 1: 3-14)



08-04-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Does the Bible Teach that we Must Oppose False Doctrine? (1 Timothy 4: 1-3)



08-11-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - If You Are Risen with Christ? (Colossians 3: 1-15)



08-11-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Are We Commanded to Give? (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)



08-18-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Bible Authority. (2 Timothy 3: 13-17)



08-18-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - How the Bible comforts Us. (Psalms 119: 49-56)



08-25-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Bible Authority and the Plan of Salvation (Luke 24: 44-50)



08-25-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Is Romans 1: 28-32 Still Applicable Today?



09-01-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Do You Really Love the Lord? (1 John 3: 14-18)



09-01-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Are There Dual Prophecies in the Bible? (Deuteronomy 18: 15-18)



09-08-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Organization of the Church - Part 1 (Ephesians 4: 11-16)



09-08-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Jesus as the Rock of Ages (Isaiah 26: 1-4)



09-15-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Organization of the Church - Part 2 (Acts 20: 28-32)



09-15-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Peace but No Peace (Matthew 10: 34-36)



09-22-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The Nature and Necessity of Saving Faith (Hebrew 11: 1-6)



09-22-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - The Two Greek Words for "Repent" (2 Corinthians 7: 8-12)



09-29-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Paul and Certain Disciples (Acts 19: 1-7)



09-29-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - The Conflict of Christ in Gethsemane (Mark 14: 32-42)



10-06-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - New Testament Worship (John 4: 21-24)



10-06-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Where and What is Hades? (Acts 2: 22-36)



10-13-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - The Lord's Supper - the Royal Feast (1 Corinthians 11: 20-34)



10-13-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - What Does It mean to Die "in the Lord"? (Revelation 14:13)



10-20-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Continue in Prayer (Colossians 4: 2-6)



10-20-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Hands that Shed Innocent Blood (Proverbs 6: 16-19)



10-27-24 A.M. - Daniell Denham - The Healing of Naman the Leper (2 Kings 5: 9-14)



10-27-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - The Faith of Abel (Hebrews 11:4)



11-03-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Jesus and the Good Confession (1 Timothy 6: 11-16)



11-03-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - What Is the Restoration of All Things? (Acts 3: 19-21)



11-10-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Why Be Baptized? (Ephesians 5: 25-27)



11-10-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - When Will the Meek Inherit the Earth? (Matthew 5:5)



11-17-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Prayer for Our Leaders (1 Timothy 2: 1-5)



11-17-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Is the Thief on the Cross Proof of Death Bed Confessions? (Luke 23: 29-34)



11-24-24 A.M. - Jim Perry - Hope (Revelation 15:4)



11-24-24 P.M. - JJ Redmon - The Sin of Partiality (Leviticus 19: 15-18) 



12-01-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - God is the Greatest Thought (1 Thessalonians 5: 21-22)



12-01-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Do We Have the Right to Be Wrong? (Deuteronomy 30: 15-20) 



12-08-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Magnifying Christ (Philippians 1: 18-22)



12-08-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - What If a Family Member is Homosexual? (Leviticus 18:22



12-15-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - What a Work Is This! (Luke 4: 33-37)



12-15-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Can A "Born Again" Person Ever Sin? (1 John 3:9)



12-22-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - Greater Faith in Jesus (Romans 5: 1-9)



12-22-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Does Faith Contradict Certainty? (John 20:29, 2 Corinthians 5:7)



12-29-24 A.M. - Daniel Denham - King David and the Christ (Psalm 89: 11-19)



12-29-24 P.M. - Daniel Denham - Are There Degrees of Punishment? (Luke 12: 42-48)



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